Williamsburg couple and dogs photo session

January 13, 2016

Before it gets too far into the new year, I had to share this fun couples session that happened just before Christmas. This gorgeous lady contacted me for a session with her husband and their adorable little dogs. After changing locations dues to conflicts with Colonial Williamsburg's Grand Illumination, we settled on a field setting where we were graced with some amazing late afternoon light. I think we made the right call! 

Couple and dogs photo in williamsburgCouple and dogs photo in williamsburg

Williamsburg Custom Family and Children PhotographerWilliamsburg Custom Family and Children Photographer

VA couple with dogs in Christmas SweatersVA couple with dogs in Christmas Sweaters

Couples Photo Session in Williamsburg FieldCouples Photo Session in Williamsburg Field Williamsburg couple in field with dogsWilliamsburg couple in field with dogs

Williamsburg couples photo session with dogs Williamsburg couples photo session with dogs

This is one of those photos that they didn't even realize worked out, came out adorable, and was one of her favorites from the session! 

Dog running in Christmas sweaterDog running in Christmas sweater

We moved to a slightly different place at this location for photos without the fur babies. There was still just a hint of color in a few trees we wanted to capture! 

Williamsburg VA Couples Photo SessionWilliamsburg VA Couples Photo Session

Williamsburg VA couples photographyWilliamsburg VA couples photography

Seriously, how cute are they!? Who doesn't love a pretty Mistletoe? Love it! 

Couple holding mistletoeCouple holding mistletoe

Couple with mistletoe in Williamsburg fieldCouple with mistletoe in Williamsburg field Williamsburg couple kissing under mistletoeWilliamsburg couple kissing under mistletoe

We did a few individual portraits as well. Clients don't have to do these of course, but I ask and the ones that do are always glad they did! An updated head shot, or something for your spouse to put on his or her desk at work is always a nice to have. And look at hers...It's stunning! 

Williamsburg Portrait Photography Williamsburg Portrait Photography

Couples photo session in Williamsburg VACouples photo session in Williamsburg VA

This was a fun session with a lovely couple! Their cute little dogs did awesome too! CONTACT ME HERE TODAY for more information on couples, family, or children session...fur babies optional! 

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