CrossFit Gangs of the Mid-Atlantic | CrossFit Williamsburg

February 26, 2014

Even if you are not a member of a CrossFit gym, a "box" if you will, you have still probably heard of it.  After moving to Williamsburg this summer, this is first time I have been an member of an actual CrossFit box. Shout out to CrossFit Williamsburg!! I enjoy the daily WOD (workout of the day) and a community that encourages each other to try their hardest.  

Tomorrow is the beginning of the 2014 CrossFit Open! This is the first of three stages of the CrossFit Games.  Make no mistake, the athletes in the games are the best of the best, like unbelievably amazing, but it all starts out with the open.  And anyone can participate in the open. That's pretty cool! 

CrossFit Williamsburg hosted the Gangs of the Mid-Atlantic competition this past Fall and I had the pleasure of putting two things I love together: photography and CrossFit. So in honor of the CrossFit Open starting tomorrow, I am revisiting some of the images I took from this competition.  Looking for a little inspiration or motivation? Enjoy! 

CrossFit Williamsburg Gangs of the Mid-Atlantic mens deadliftCrossFit Williamsburg Gangs of the Mid-Atlantic mens deadlift

Tug of war at WISC GANGS competitionTug of war at WISC GANGS competition Wall Climbs at Williamsburg CrossfitWall Climbs at Williamsburg Crossfit       athlete doing box jumps at Gangs of Mid-Atlanticathlete doing box jumps at Gangs of Mid-Atlantic

Womens Crossfit DeadliftingWomens Crossfit Deadlifting Crossfit Camaraderie Gangs of the Mid-Atlantic Williamsburg VACrossfit Camaraderie Gangs of the Mid-Atlantic Williamsburg VA CrossFit Tug-of-warCrossFit Tug-of-war Mens shuttle run Crossfit Williamsburg VA st WISCMens shuttle run Crossfit Williamsburg VA at WISC Crossfit back squat WOD VACrossfit back squat WOD VA Gangs of the Mid-Atlantic Row Crossfit Williamsburg at WISCGangs of the Mid-Atlantic Row Crossfit Williamsburg at WISC Crossfit Double Unders Williamsburg VA WISCCrossfit Double Unders Williamsburg VA WISC Shoulder to Overhead Crossfit WOD VAShoulder to Overhead Crossfit WOD VA Crossfit Sled Pull WOD Williamsburg VCrossfit Sled Pull WOD Williamsburg VA Crossfit Gangs of the Mid-Atlantic WOD Williamsburg VACrossfit Gangs of the Mid-Atlantic WOD Williamsburg VA Kettlebell swings WOD Crossfit Gangs of mid-AtlanticKettlebell swings WOD Crossfit Gangs of mid-Atlantic Crossfit thruster WOD Williamsburg VA WISCCrossfit thruster WOD Williamsburg VA WISC

What would working this hard be without the aftermath of a great WOD??

Crossfit Gangs of the Mid-Atlantic fight gone battle royale aftermathCrossfit Gangs of the Mid-Atlantic fight gone battle royale aftermath Crossfit Williamsburg WOD aftermath Crossfit Williamsburg WOD aftermath Gangs of the Mid-Atlantic WOD aftermath Crossfit WilliamsburgGangs of the Mid-Atlantic WOD aftermath Crossfit Williamsburg

Are you motivated to work hard? Are you inspired to try your best? Are you signed up yet for the open yet? DO IT HERE!  

Am I signed up you ask? With the encouragement of some great friends/workout partners, yes I am. I have no delusions of going anywhere or even being able to complete every WOD, but I love a good competition in a positive environment. So you will find me the next five weekends trying my hardest and maybe learning I am a little stronger than I think.  That is if figuring out how to do double unders doesn't kill me first! 

If you want to be the first to hear about specials I am offering, get first dibs on limited promotions, and even get exclusive offers, subscribe to my mailing list HERE.  Check out the types of photography I specialize in and contact me to plan your session! 

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